Saturday, July 21, 2012

Blog # 6 Summer Vacation

안녕하세요? 저는 기무라 다쿠토예요.( Hi! I'm Kimura Takuto. )

Have you already decided what to do during summer vacation? I'm taking part in "Gakushuin University Global Campus Asia 2012" and we are going to Korea from August 1st to 22nd. (Information's here.) We are going to visit schools including Japanese one, a museum, some Japanese based companies and an idol production company ( because some of us like K-pop! ). And of course, we are taking Korean classes during the stay. Participants are as few as 8 people, but I'm sure it will be a nice trip.

By the way, we are going to Taegu not Seoul, and stay in Kyoungpook National University, which is very huge school.

↑my passport:3
But Teagu is a little far from Seoul, which is why I will have difficulty in sightseeing in Seoul.So, I would like to enjoy around Teagu and Busan afternoon. If you have ever been there and have recommendations, please let me know^^


  1. Hi Takuto!!
    That's great for you!!!
    I have never been to Korea.
    Can you understand Korean???

  2. Yes, a little^^ I have studied Korean only for 3 months and that's why I'm anxious about making myself understood. But in the university where we are going stay, students have some command in Japanese and I will speak English if anything happens, though I would like to draw on it as little as possible.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hi takuto:)this is shoko:)
    korea is one of places i really want to visit !!
    it must be a great opportunity for you to be there^^ lucky you^^
    hope your stay is enjoyable:)

  5. I think you got a lot from your trip - are you planning to go back there or go somewhere else in the future? Opportunities like the group you joined are great, so when you find them, take them!
    Ms. MacGregor
